LOGIOS is supporting Medellin with the planning of their first battery electric bus public transportation service.

LOGIOS is supporting Medellin with the planning of their first battery electric bus public transportation service.
LOGIOS Global signs technical cooperation agreement with Yachay Tech University NEWS PROVIDED BY LOGIOS Global California, May 2, 2024 — Taking a bold step towards advancing sustainable practices, LOGIOS Global and YACHAY TECH University have solidified a strategic partnership through a comprehensive cooperation agreement. This collaboration aims to propel shared sustainability objectives by combining their respective expertise, cutting-edge technologies, and […]
LOGIOS Global releases new upgrade of digital platform MIRATI. MIRATI defined MIRATI a digital platform that makes it possible to design, evaluate, and plan electric transport projects orders-of-magnitude faster, more rigorously, more transparently, more collaboratively, and more comprehensively than has ever been possible.. MIRATI is not a spreadsheet model, a calculator, or a tool. MIRATI is a cloud-based system of […]
Driving Towards a Greener Future: LOGIOS Global Joins Global Effort for Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles LOGIOS Global is proud to join 33 national governments, 9 subnational governments, and a host of industry #leaders in endorsing the Global Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (ZE-MHDVs). Endorsers align around the goal of 30% ZE-MHDVs by 2030, and […]
Planificación Experta como Pilar de la Mitigación de Riesgos Los sistemas de transporte público han comenzado a transitar un camino sin regreso hacia las cero emisiones. América Latina es una de las regiones que se ha embarcado en esta transición con mayor entusiasmo. No hay mejor compañía para este entusiasmo que la planificación adecuada de cada proyecto de inversión. Esto […]
Webinar about the technical assistance of LOGIOS and Climate Technology Centre and Network November 19, 2020 Core components of the presentation: Key tenets of the technical evaluation of electric buses (0:25) Electric bus projections of technical performance and charging strategy (1:45) LOGIOS web app for electric fleet planning decisionmaking support (2:40) Valuation of electric bus asset systems (5:50)
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The Most Common Mistake in a Fleet Electrification Plan (May well be the most expensive too) This story is inspired by recent events… A transit agency has decided to buy its first set of electric buses. A team is designated to put a plan together. The team is immediately confronted with the first decision point: Which route/s should we electrify? […]
Panama City, like many growing cities in the developing world, is facing a severe air quality problem, caused primarily by road emissions of toxic pollutants. Transportation is also the main source of national carbon emissions. As part of a broader plan to mitigate transportation emissions, Panama is considering the integration into the public transportation fleet of clean technologies, including battery electric buses.